_____MANGA SOURCE_____ Title: Aitsu to Ore (Volume 1) Author: Tohjoh, Asami Publisher (Japan): Tokuma Shoten: Chara Comics (1998) Publisher (Chinese): Daran Culture Enterprise Co., Ltd. (October 1998) _____SCANLATION SOURCE_____ Distributor: Project Shueiguo Website: http://project.shueiguo.com Mailing List: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/projectshueiguo/ Translator: mangguo ^^ Scanner: manngguo ^^; Editor: mangguo ^^;; _____Notes/Copyright Issues_____ The scanlations were translated from the Chinese source. That is why, on occasion, names of certain characters will be in Chinese, since the translator did not have--or was not able to obtain--the original Japanese source. Pertaining to THE ISSUE OF COPYRIGHTS, "Aitsu to Ore" is the work of Tohjoh Asami, and all copyrights belong to her and the respective parties. Project Shueiguo simply translated, scanned and edited the manga in the production of this scanlation. Pertaining to THE USE OF THIS SCANLATION (and all others released by Project Shueiguo), as long as there are no monies being exchanged, you are free to distribute on IRC channels, as well as over P2P networks. If you intend to post Project Shueiguo files on your website for direct web downloads, please visit the Project Shueiguo website, and contact the staff for more information. Finally, regardless of method of distribution, this text file must stay archived in its zip file. Thank you, and enjoy the scans! :) mangguo